Wow. Looks like I took another long vacation. I worked 14 hour days all day this week, 8am to 11pm Friday, and all day Saturday. Needless to say, that didn't leave much time for me to spend in my Thotful Spot. Now for a N E W S F L A S H ! There is now a link on the Zone Enchanted Place page (which you can get to from the Galleons Lap page- some of you subscribed from there) to CR's Thot for the evening Archives. All the past thots are there for those of you recently subscribed who might want to go back and see how it all started, or for anyone else who might want to review. From now on I'll be adding them to the archive as I write them. Yet another service brought to you by the friendly folks at the Zone Enchanted Place (in this case, Me). Tonights thot is about a dream I had the other day. Go figure. "Winnie-the-Pooh woke up suddenly in the middle of the night and listened. Then he got out of bed, and lit his candle, and stumped across the room to see if anybody was trying to get into his honey-cupboard, and they weren't, so he stumped back again, blew out his candle, and got into bed. Then he heard the noise again. "Is that you, Piglet?" he said. But it wasn't. "Come in, Christopher Robin," he said. But Christopher Robin didn't. "Tell me about it tomorrow, Eeyore," said Pooh sleepily. But the noise went on. "[Brrrrrrrrrrriiiiinngggggggg]," said Whatever-it-was, and [CR] found that he wasn't asleep after all" "Dad-blasted alarm-clock," said CR, much annoyed, "I don't want to get up today, and I *certainly* don't want to go to work." Goodnight, and God Bless! CR