Hi folks! Sorry I've been remiss in my Thots, but my thotful place has gotten rather crowded lately and I needed to do some housekeeping this last week. That and a million other things, including spending half the night one night on the phone with my favoritest Piglet, updating some of the web pages, writing letters, and so on. Anyway, a few items of business before I get to thinking. First of all, a HUGE thank you for a job well done goes to Robin and Shanna for writing such a wonderful FAQ. It's really super! You should all have gotten it in the mail, but if not, just email me or post saying you didn't and we'll see that you do. It's also now on the ZEP page on the Galleons Lap site. Second, I also put a page (also on the ZEP page) of links to ZEP subscriber's home pages. I'm sure there are many of you with home pages that I don't know about that I would like to put on there. Please note that this particular page is strictly for home pages about you, NOT Pooh pages. I am currently compiling a list of links to Pooh pages to put on the Galleons Lap front page, so if you would like to see yours included, email me the URL. This links page is taking some time to compile, because there are hundreds of pages out there, and not only can I not link them all on the page but I only want the best of the best, so I am actually visiting each one before I link it on our page. This, needless to say, is very time consuming. Pages by ZEP subscribers, however, automatically qualify for inclusion, because, hey- it's our page! So whether you have Pooh pages or home pages, please get me the URLs. One last reminder that the deadline for getting snail mail addresses to Shanna for participation in the history-making first ZEP-wide card exchange is - TODAY! This is your last chance to be able to receive two Pooh cards that you may never have seen before, from a new Pooh friend, possibly even from a different country! So don't miss out! And now the moment you've all been waiting for...(multiple exhalations)... OK, time out, I'm thinking this isn't such a good thing. A vicious looking black spider the size of a half dollar just came barging into my room without even knocking, and when I tried to kill it and missed, it literally just disappeared. Now if there's going to be a spider *that* big in my room, I want to know where it is. Waking up to find it trekking across my face and pausing to lunch on my nose is not the way I want to start a Monday morning (as if there were *any* good way to start a Monday morning!). Anyway, on with the Thot... This is for any of you who might have been planning to do a little ceiling-gazing. Advice from the bestest of bears: "Oh!" said Piglet. "Well, did Owl always have a letter-box in his ceiling?" "Has he?" "Yes, look." "I can't," said Pooh. "I'm face downwards under something, and that, Piglet, is a very bad postition for looking at ceilings." I'll take his word for it. G'night, and please pray I don't get eaten by huge spiders during the night. CR