Just fill in the following fields and press "Submit Me!"

Name (First and Last):

If you would like your name linked to your home page, please provide the URL (optional):

Age (optional):

Birthday (required - month and day only):

Location (required):
State, Province, or Country:

Occupation (optional):

Background Motif (required):
The page's background motif is based on your favorite character. Please indicate who you would like for your background:

Please enter your favorite short quote to be used on the page. It should be from Winnie the Pooh, House at Pooh Corner, When We Were Very Young, or Now We Are Six. If it is taken from a poem, please cite which (required):

Since the primary purpose of the Gallery is to allow ZEP members to 'see' one another, please indicate how you would like to sumbit a photo.

I will email it to you as soon as I can!"
You may find it at this URL:
I will send it via snail mail and email poohbear@rogweb.com for the address.
I'm sorry, but I'd really rather not have my photo published.

If, after pressing this button, you do not get a confirmation message, click Here.

No thanks. I don't want to submit my info after all. Please take me back to the Gallery .