The Anniversary Contest

Welcome to the ZEP Anniversary Contest! It's over now of course, but just wait until anniversary number 2!

Your Name:

Your Email Address (for confirmation):

1. What is the real name of the enchanted place known in the book as Galleons Lap?

2. In what book did Winnie the Pooh first appear?

3. Pooh made his first public appearance in illustrations by what artist?

4. Which of Pooh's friends never existed in real life?

5. What did King John want for Christmas?

6. What sort of vessel was The Brain of Pooh?

7. What was the game of Poohsticks called in the original manuscript before it was changed?

8. What was the first book in a foreign language to reach the New York Times Best Seller list?

9. What is the matter with Mary Jane?

10. When did Christopher Milne die?

11. What, according to Owl, is the opposite of an introduction?

12. What did Pooh call the lesson referred to in the poem Twice Times?

13. What was A.A. Milne's favorite poem from When We Were Very Young?

14. On what occasion was Eeyore given to Christopher Milne?

15. What were the names of the drops of rain on the window pane, and which one won?

16. What is the name of the Milne play based upon Kenneth Grahame's The Wind In The Willows?

17. On what day did Winnie the Pooh first go on sale?

18. What is the weather like at the East Pole?

19. Who's mother disappeared after going down to the end of the town without him?

20. What does Christopher Robin like doing best?

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The author is a member of The HTML Writers Guild