Any Little Everything
A Five O'clock People Community

There are two aspects of Five O'clock People's music that set it apart from the ordinary. The musicianship and arrangements, and the incredible lyrics. This page is about the lyrics. Both Alex and Drew, the main writers for the band, are so incredibly gifted in this department, that lyrics like these abound:

"She was the Cold War, and he was the Gold Rush"
"Long after the last promise is made, it's only the company you keep"
"So take away the face of forgiveness; there's only room for justice here"
"I trudge and I slip as I reach out for daylight, but grasp only fistfulls of night"
"Still the morning finds me here, unconvincing sloganeer"
"One day these walls will sing of two children in love"

Here then are the complete lyrics for many of the songs written by Jon, Alex, Drew, or Pat. Click on a song to view the lyrics.

angry rant living water slow goodbyes
fall silent lunar so far gone
frank now i sing sorry
goodenough pmj this day
glass puzzle waltz
house of god remain lightning rod
same old line aftermath autumn
enfant terible february gold rush
stable boy deer country fight good sinners