General boring info:

  • Born: August 7, 1968
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Green

Picture of Portland

This page has become seriously out of date. I have deleted most of and left just a bit that is still applicable while I rewrite it.

I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. After graduating from Wilson High School in 1986, I joined the Army and spent nine years all over the continent. The majority of my time was spent in Panamá; Sierra Vista, Arizona; Anchorage, AK; and San Antonio, Texas. Although I gained some great experience in the Army and learned a lot of valuable things, the Army just isn't what it once was, and the time to leave had plainly come. (I just wish I could have taken my Hummer with me!)

Some things I enjoy doing in my spare (ha ha) time include writing, reading, photography, juggling, watching tennis, listening to and making music, and a whole mess of other stuff.

If you'd like to visit some of my favorite places on the web, check out my Links Page.